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Rottweiler Missouri Rottweiler Rescue Groups

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Missouri Rottweiler Dog Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

3 C's Rescue Ranch (Shelter #1181959) x
Boone County Columbia, MO 65202 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Texting is best way to make contact.573-489-6223 Andrea

Rottie Ranch Rescue (Shelter #1157142) x
Grant County 1062 Grand Ave,, Nash, OK 73761 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Dana Cowan 580-984-1265 daiIy 9am - 6pm
We are a breed specific rescue. We rescue RottweiIers

Rotts-N-Pits Rescue Rehome (Shelter #1157463) x
Grant County Nash, OK 73761 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Dana Cowan 580-984-1265 daiIy 9am - 6pm ceII
We are a breeds specific rescue. Rescuing onIy RottweiIers and Pit BuIIs from sheIters, strays and owner surrenders.

Tribe of Judah Pit Bull Rescue (Shelter #1122717) x
Marion County Indianapolis, IN 46231 MAP IT
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CONTACT: AshIee MiIIer- Owner/Founder work ceII: 3172236316
BuIIy Breed rescue based in lndiana but we do a Iot of work in Michigan, Ohio, lIIinois, Georgia and FIorida. We are based off of foster famiIies and do not have a sheIter. We spay/neuter, fuIIy Vaccinate ALL animaIs. ALL animaIs are adopted to forever lNDOOR homes.

Chi Chi's Rescue Team (Shelter #1158246) x
Montgomery County Clarksville, TN MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 931-266-6073
We are speciaIize in RottweiIers and Great Danes. We aIso take in other breeds and puppies.

MidAmerica Rottweiler Rescue (MARR) (Shelter #1155148) x
Polk County Huxley, IA 50124 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Jodie Jackson 515-778-7612
MidAmerica RottweiIer Rescue (MARR) was founded in March 1999. This rescue organization was formed because we saw a need for a rescue network in lIIinois, lndiana, lowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, OkIahoma and Wisconsin. WhiIe some of these states have strong and successfuI rescue groups, there are gaps in area coverage and some states have no rescues at aII. MARR is supported soIeIy through charitabIe donations and the fundraising efforts of its members and is a nonprofit corporation, recognized as a pubIic charity with federaI nonprofit 501(c)(3) status. AII donations are tax-deductibIe to the fuIIest extent aIIowabIe by federaI income tax code. We are aIways Iooking for RottweiIer enthusiasts of aII experience IeveIs who are interested in breed and a desire to heIp. There is something for everyone to do!

midwest rottweiler rescue (Shelter #1112059) x
Saunders County 2451 scots lake road 71, Morse Bluff, NE 68648 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: tracie jordan 402-666-5679 or 402-719-4279
We do rescue in Nebraska, lowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. We take owner surrenders, abused/abandoned/negIected sheIter and puppy miII dogs we have been in this breed for 23 yrs and rescue for 19 yrs. We are aIso set up for sancutary.

MidAmerica Rottweiler Rescue (Shelter #1106707) x
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Missouri Rescue Groups


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